Monday, April 14, 2008

May I introduce His Royal Highness...

The Duke of York!

This is one awesome cat, because he saved my mom's life. My mom was rudely awakened after much persistence by Duke. As soon as she woke up, she discovered that her blood sugar (she's diabetic) was dangerously low and would have dropped to coma-inducing levels were it not for the meeps of this adorably cute cat. Now, I don't care what you say about biological this-lady-gives-me-food reactions, this was one heroic kitty who cares for his momma a lot, and deserves quite a bit of tuna, or turkey, his favorite dish. I've heard stories like this about pets for awhile, and I honestly thought they were B.S., but I have never been so credulous or appreciative. Thanks Duke!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He did indeed receive his own little bowl of albacore as a reward. I'm not sure how he could "tell" something was different, I'm just glad he did!